Denial of Free Speech

Here are two posts that were make on Bea's forum this morning (8-5-14). After Bea's post I replied. My post was removed within 10 minutes. Sorry for the column overlap, the screen captures are larger than the editorial well on this page.


  1. Wolfhard Gelman ChaffeAugust 5, 2014 at 4:42 AM

    I have but one question: You actually posted this reply, and did not withdraw it? Cause it's not there (anymore) on the forum.

    1. Wolfhard Gelman ChaffeAugust 5, 2014 at 4:43 AM

      Nevermind, i missed your first line, there... :oops:

  2. It saddens me to see all of this drama. I enjoy sailing, but have avoided the yacht clubs for years due to all of the bickering. I recently joined Starboards (due to the welcoming nature of the people there) and LCC, and plan to sail with them. I have joined, quit, and re-joined the SLSA several times and have read the forums really only due to the drama in SLSA chat (morbid curiosity, I suppose). The cast of characters on that other forum is amazing and these "wars" seem to go back years. So much hate and vileness - and disrespect for other' real lives. I am surprised that anyone participates on that forum at all.

    If the hull is rotting and you can't rebuild it, sink the boat and get another. If all those on the "watch list" pulled out from that forum, those remaining could chat amongst each other until the forum simply passed away or became an oddity. To those of us "outside" of the circle (and who do discuss these things), these battles do not represent SL sailing. Just please know that these very public battles keep a lot of the "new" people from joining clubs or feeling as though they can participate without getting pulled into the mess.

    SL (and sailing in particular) should be an escape, a joy, and a holiday from the crazy outside world. Those who don't treat it this way or respect why it is here are entirely missing the point.

    My best wishes to Mark and Nber, and to SL sailing.

    1. Takara,

      I'm glad that you have found Starboards a welcoming place. I am saddened by the events in the forum..but life will go on.

      Thanks for the good wishes! and the same to you :)

  3. Mark, Nber, Maitti, my thanks for all you have done for boating and sailing. I am one firm USS boating and sailing addict. You three have done well so Thanks again.

  4. While I know the Mark remains an easy target due to his stature as one of the founders of the USS, the large amount of Sims he owns and governs, and the fact that most everything that happens in the USS somehow ties into him. While I can admit to taking the occasional shot at him, on the whole, he does not deserve vileness that is often directed at him. He is not perfect, but neither am I.

    As it is, the current round of fighting just reminds me why I withdrew from the yacht club and racing scene. I just cannot handle the drama that seems to make itself at home there. It is fairly ironic that in the "pirate" community, there is less bile thrown around. Maybe if the AC Racers came with cannon, things would be more congenial?

    In all things though, this tempest in a teapot will pass. Bea may be a big fish, but it is a very small pond

    1. Every pirate that I have ever met has been great! Well almost all.... :)

  5. I have added a title for myself in one of my groups... it JUST squeezes in... "Undesirable&Harmful" . When the world gives you lemons? Make lemonade!

  6. To exercise my right to reply: I maintain that SYC team organized to skew the result of the vote. Hopefully it was stopped in time. MTW's arguments are not valid ones but partial, incomplete, and wrong. All the rest are pure slander without foundation but freakout.
